motiv Recommendations for clients

This page brings the customers different pieces of advice and recommendation on how to run a Wi-Fi network. It shows the equipment settings and gives advice to home owners and housing developers who are interested in quality Wi-Fi connectivity.

If  you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us.


IP addresses – allow automatic IP address and DNS obtaining

SMTP and IP addresses (DHCP) settings

  • SMTP - the outgoing mail server is used if sending mail from the PC installed mail client (for instance the OutLook) and it is not needed when sending e-mail from e-mail web clients.
    The server of your e-mail service provider is the best one to use.
    If not possible for whatever reason, set the SMTP at
  • IP address - entering correct IP addresses in your PC is necessary for correct functioning of the Internet. However, you do not need to bother with this if you set your PC to “obtain address automatically” (set the automatic obtaining for DNS as well) – allow the DHCP protocol.

How to run home WiFi

  1. Home AP must be protected if you do not want to fall victim to hackers (hackers are interested in any PC – yours as well). WEP protection is not adequate for home AP. You should use WPA2 or, at least WPA with 20 characters long key.

  2. Nearly every house in the neighborhood has a home AP. If you do not wish your signal to interfere with your neighbors’ signals, set your AP’s signal strength as low as possible. This way you will limit the AP’s range.

  3. Set the automatic channel selection in the Czech profile. By doing so, you will allow your AP to find the most suitable channel in the neighboring networks upon each startup. New search for unoccupied channel can be forced by restarting the AP.

  4. If you are not sure what to do, we will be more than glad to help you with your AP settings (or supply you with a pre-set AP).

Recommended family house wiring layout

  • The data net by its layout is star-like, this means that the cables from all the data outlets in the house meet in one place called the “hub”. The hub can be located either in a low-voltage distribution box or up in the attic.
  • "Gooseneck" or data cable must lead from the attic to the hub if the house has wireless Internet connection.
  • "Gooseneck" or data cable must lead from the house telephone connection box if the house is connected to the Internet through telephone cable.
  • When wiring the house, do not use the SYKFY cables (they are useless for data transfer), use the CAT 5 (or higher level) data cable.
  • When installing the outlets, use the RJ 45 type which are suitable for connecting both the telephone and data cables (the RJ 11 can be used only for telephone connection).
    Rozvody v RD

If you need assistance with anything - happy to help, do not hesitate to contact us .